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Brand Management


Having control over the whole process of selling on Amazon can be overwhelming, sometimes scary, and many times frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be.

Benefits of Brand Management


What’s stopping you from selling your products all by yourself on Amazon? Besides the obvious benefit of earning higher margins, there are other notable benefits of selling Direct to Consumer through Brand Management, which we explain below. We take care of the whole process for you.


You will maintain complete control over your brand, from the moment a customer makes their initial engagement right up until the product has been purchased, all while not having to deal with sellers anymore. Brand Management also involves direct communication with the customer after the product is sold.


Cutting the middleman out of the equation provides the potential for brands to earn a higher margin and have direct access to their consumers and data. Having this type of control of your brand with a Direct to Consumer approach makes your company worth more money because of its transferability.



Supply Chain

The advantage of selling your products on Amazon yourself is about streamlining your supply chain. If left unchecked, an uncontrolled Amazon distribution network can lead to drastic price differences between brick and mortar and e-commerce. This puts enormous pressure on physical retailers and can erode a brand’s retail relationships. To prevent this, brands need to gain a full picture of their distribution network and take steps to protect their brand on Amazon. 


Having control over how and who packages your products that are sent to Amazon is important. We choose qualified professional prep companies to handle this process. You will have better optics so you can project your inventory levels and help with reorders.


No more net 60 or net 90 when you establish a direct to consumer supply chain. You will be able to have direct payments from Amazon with no more than a net 15.


Be Fully Visible

The story of the data helps you make better decisions, helps you solve problems, and helps you understand consumers.


It all comes back to the importance of being the only seller of your products. In doing so, you will be able to collect 100% of the data that your products create on Amazon. This will give you the whole picture of your Conversion rates, ACOS on your PPC campaigns, Traffic, and More... This helps to identify changes that are made, which gives you the insight to create more organic sales.


Being able to track all the items in and out of Amazon gives you the ability to have better sales projections and inventory awareness. It will also allow you to accurately use AB testing when we make improvements to your Amazon listings.



Value Wholesale +Plus

When you take on Brand Management with us, you also will receive everything that we do for our Value Wholesale clients. Optimization through copywriting and visual marketing to increase traffic and conversion, Data Analytics to know your numbers for growth, Customer Service to create loyal product spending, and more.  See our Value Wholesale page.

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